God's Law

A person is safe in his life, liberty, and property, unless a complaint is filed against him by an alleged victim of a crime. Actions that do not involve harming another person are not arbitrarily criminalized by the government, neither does the government track or control how a person spends, saves, or transports his own belongings. Borders are for restricting governments, not people. The government’s role is only to declare judgment on crimes against private persons, and execute that jud (cont.)
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Man's Law

No individual is immune to harassment by a government that has declared itself divine. Every day newer and newer laws are passed to criminalize all kinds of morally innocent behavior: whether it is choice of currency for savings or transactions, business or charity decisions, educational choices for the children, culinary habits, methods of transportation, technological advances, healthcare choices, use of property, etc., etc., etc. The land is filled with checkpoints, bureaucrats’ offices (cont.)
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God's Law

These cops would have been sentenced to pay – out of their pockets, not out of the pockets of the taxpayers – this man not the amount the court or the city determined but the amount HE determined (victim’s rights). If they lacked the money, they would be sold to a private business to redeem themselves through honest work. If they refused to pay the amount, they would be sentenced to be beaten and injured with exactly the same injuries they inflicted on the man, thus sending a m (cont.)
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Man's Law

The taxpayers are robbed of $100,000 and violent criminals in uniforms are free and encouraged to continue beating other innocent people as they please, under the protection of the “law.”

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God's Law

Only actual crimes are brought to court. Responsible citizens who commit no crimes are free from harassment by government thugs.

Man's Law

More and more innocent actions by individuals are criminalized – carrying a gun for self-defense, refusal to use health insurance, transportation of personal valuables, personal use of certain substances, private charity, etc., etc., etc. Eventually, a private citizen who hasn’t committed any immoral act may still be violating the government laws and regulations every day, several times a day, without even knowing it.

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God's Law

The purpose of the law is RESTITUTION and RESTORATION (except where capital punishment is required). That is, the victim gets compensated and the criminal gets the chance to be restored and become a productive member of the society.

Man's Law

The purpose of the law is double robbery of the victim (through taxes) and destruction of all hope for the criminal. While the victim is being taxed to support a system of concentration camps called “prisons,” the criminal is deprived not only of his liberty but also of his chance to be restored. The victim gets nothing, and the criminal is made to do useless, unproductive tasks that destroy his soul even more.

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God's Law

No life can be legitimately taken unless a court issues a verdict that the person is guilty of a capital crime. When an innocent person is murdered intentionally, whether by a private or by a government murderer, the murderer gets the death penalty without any option for mercy, thus cleaning the society of criminals who endanger the lives of innocent people. That is, all of these cops would have gotten the death penalty and would have been promptly executed.

Man's Law

An innocent private citizen is deemed deserving of death for even the smallest alleged infractions. Failure to immediately comply with the orders of uniformed thugs is declared worthy of instant death, even before the person is brought to court, and even if there was no danger for anyone’s life. In the final account, the main danger to the survival of honest men becomes the very government which was originally meant to protect their lives. The government thus becomes the largest, most brut (cont.)
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God's Law

The worker deserves his wages and keeps them. The functions of the government are limited and either relegated to the local communities (Ex. 18:17-23), or where a national government is involved, only the strangers in the land are taxed with customs duties (Matt. 17:25-26).

Man's Law

The government declares all its citizens “debtors” by default and criminalizes those who are trying to keep for themselves the fruit of their own labor. An army of bureaucrats is then formed to control and spy on individuals whose only “crime” is that they want to protect their property from government theft. At the end, the government creates conditions for mutual distrust and resentment between the citizens, an application of the “divide et impera” principle (cont.)
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God's Law

Every member of the society enjoys equal protection under the Law, and there is no class of uniformed thugs who enjoy a monopoly on violence with impunity, nor monopoly on arrest, nor monopoly on making others comply with their whims or tyrannical encroachments. Responsibility is a two-way street and there is one law for everyone in the society, from the least to the greatest.

Man's Law

The society is stratified into castes where some castes enjoy immunity protection under the law and monopoly on indiscriminate violence. For the members of the lower castes – those who have no access to the levers of political power – there is seldom any recourse against injustice committed by those of the more privileged castes. Even when they are allowed to seek compensation or indemnity, it must be done through a laborious and expensive judicial and bureaucratic process, whereas t (cont.)
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God's Law

A proven rapist gets the death penalty (or in limited cases pays a huge indemnity, if the victim shows mercy), thus purging the society of this specific type of violent crime. Women are safe and protected.

Man's Law

The victim is not indemnified in any way, the rapist is put in prison and lives off the backs of the taxpayers, after which he is set free to rape again. Women are not protected, and in most cases of resulting pregnancy (2 out of 3) prefer to murder the child. Those who make the righteous decision to let the child live are penalized with being legally tied to acknowledge the rapist’s “parental rights” over the child.

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God's Law

Individuals are free to decide between themselves what medium of exchange they are going to use (or barter goods), with no government coercion to use certain “legal tender.” The government doesn’t control the currency, and there is no central bank with the exclusive privilege to have a monopoly on money and credit. Arbitrary creation of money supply (inflation) and fractional reserve banking (arbitrary extension of credit, and therefore more inflation) are criminalized; thus, b (cont.)
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Man's Law

A small elite of bankers and politicians, using the coercive power of the state, forces everyone in the economy to use one currency only (“legal tender laws”), and then destroys that currency debasing its value to reflect only the decisions of the social planners. The market is left to the mercy of those who “produce” the currency, and to their clients – the corporations who get early access to the newly created currency. Once such monopolistic position is achieved, (cont.)
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God's Law

The land is owned by the families, and the decisions concerning the property are solely in the hands of the family owning the property, not the civil government.

Man's Law

The government is the supreme owner of the land, legislating and regulating the use of private property as the bureaucrats see fit, while also forcing the owners to pay rent (property tax) or face punitive action and/or confiscation.

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