God’s Law for Today?

The abiding validity of God’s Law within the realm of civil government has been a hotly debated topic within Christian theology for centuries. In fact, the summary of the Law of God itself—the Ten Commandments—has even been forsaken by some in the Church. Martin Luther’s coining of the term Antinomian was brought about by this challenge to God’s Law. During the Reformation, John Calvin, George Gillespie, and many others fought to correct the thinking that had eroded the application of the Law of God in not only the life of the Church, but also the civil sphere.

In more recent times, champions of the abiding validity of God’s Law in the civil sphere include Rousas J Rushdoony, Greg Bahnsen, Gary North, Kenneth Gentry, Joel McDurmon, Bojidar Marinov, and many others. Among these, Rushdoony and Bahnsen have both produced works that are highly regarded among those who join hands with them in the effort to explain how God’s Law continues to have abiding validity today, and will for all time. Bahnsen’s Theonomy in Christian Ethics is typically found in the library of anyone doing a rigorous study on this topic. American Vision has a helpful list of related resources. However, realize that those coming from a Covenanter view on this topic would likely ammend this list significantly.

Different Theonomic Perspectives

This brings us to an important point. LawVLaw.com realizes that there are different perspectives within the theonomic community. Chiefly, there are differences between those who identify as Reconstructionists and those who identify as Covenanters. We hope that this site will facilitate several discussions, including those between these two groups. We welcome all discourse, so long as it be in accordance with proper Christian behavior.

Upcoming Changes and How to Support Us

Please note that the effort in this site is in its infancy. This and other pages will likely go through numerous changes in the coming months. We hope this process of change will be shaped—at least in part—by our visitors. We welcome, encourage, and highly value your input! We most sincerely pray that this effort glorifies Christ Jesus and His Holy Word. Every effort will be put forth by us to that end.

Finally, this site is a ministry of Edge Webware. We support it publicly, though we certainly are well aware of the controversial nature of this topic. We are not ashamed of our Savior or His Law. It is our privilege and duty to extol it! This site is supported by the work we do as a Web and Mobile App Design and Development firm. If you are blessed by this site, you can support us and this site in at least three ways:

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Soli Deo Gloria!