God's Law

Under the Law of God, killing an innocent person intentionally (which would include direct attack on a home using weapons for murder) is always punished by death (Exo. 21:12-14). There is no special case for government uniformed thugs with badges, and there is no special privilege for anyone to be allowed to kill innocent people for whatever reason. There’s also no provision in the Law of God for standing army or police with special privileges higher than those of law-abiding citizens. Und (cont.)
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Man's Law

Under the laws of men, they won’t be tried in court, and most probably won’t even be fired or made to pay indemnity to the parents. They will be allowed to continue roaming the streets and brutalizing, torturing, and killing innocent people, all in the name of the “safety” of those innocent people.

God's Law

These cops would have been sentenced to pay – out of their pockets, not out of the pockets of the taxpayers – this man not the amount the court or the city determined but the amount HE determined (victim’s rights). If they lacked the money, they would be sold to a private business to redeem themselves through honest work. If they refused to pay the amount, they would be sentenced to be beaten and injured with exactly the same injuries they inflicted on the man, thus sending a m (cont.)
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Man's Law

The taxpayers are robbed of $100,000 and violent criminals in uniforms are free and encouraged to continue beating other innocent people as they please, under the protection of the “law.”

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