God's Law

Every person is secure in his possessions and property, and there is no special class of government thugs entitled to steal with impunity. Any forfeiture or penalty must be the result of a court verdict, issued on specific crime, where a specific private victim complained and sued. The government has no right to confiscate any private property against the will of the owner for no reason whatsoever, whether by taxes, penalties, or eminent domain.

Man's Law

Any government thug has the legal right to steal a private individual’s money (civil forfeiture, fines), time (traffic stops, bureaucratic red tape), or property (eminent domain) with no option for restitution to the victim. But what do I know, theonomy is “tyranny,” and we are much better off under the laws of men.

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God's Law

These cops would have been sentenced to pay – out of their pockets, not out of the pockets of the taxpayers – this man not the amount the court or the city determined but the amount HE determined (victim’s rights). If they lacked the money, they would be sold to a private business to redeem themselves through honest work. If they refused to pay the amount, they would be sentenced to be beaten and injured with exactly the same injuries they inflicted on the man, thus sending a m (cont.)
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Man's Law

The taxpayers are robbed of $100,000 and violent criminals in uniforms are free and encouraged to continue beating other innocent people as they please, under the protection of the “law.”

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God's Law

The worker deserves his wages and keeps them. The functions of the government are limited and either relegated to the local communities (Ex. 18:17-23), or where a national government is involved, only the strangers in the land are taxed with customs duties (Matt. 17:25-26).

Man's Law

The government declares all its citizens “debtors” by default and criminalizes those who are trying to keep for themselves the fruit of their own labor. An army of bureaucrats is then formed to control and spy on individuals whose only “crime” is that they want to protect their property from government theft. At the end, the government creates conditions for mutual distrust and resentment between the citizens, an application of the “divide et impera” principle (cont.)
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God's Law

Individuals are free to decide between themselves what medium of exchange they are going to use (or barter goods), with no government coercion to use certain “legal tender.” The government doesn’t control the currency, and there is no central bank with the exclusive privilege to have a monopoly on money and credit. Arbitrary creation of money supply (inflation) and fractional reserve banking (arbitrary extension of credit, and therefore more inflation) are criminalized; thus, b (cont.)
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Man's Law

A small elite of bankers and politicians, using the coercive power of the state, forces everyone in the economy to use one currency only (“legal tender laws”), and then destroys that currency debasing its value to reflect only the decisions of the social planners. The market is left to the mercy of those who “produce” the currency, and to their clients – the corporations who get early access to the newly created currency. Once such monopolistic position is achieved, (cont.)
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God's Law

This man would have never been brought to court unless there was a complaint by the victim (the bank), and if brought to court, his maximum penalty would have been restitution to the amount of $120 (Num. 5:6-7).

Man's Law

He will rot in prison for 15 years, at taxpayers’ expense, for the profit of crony companies, without a chance to redeem himself, acquire the skills to become productive, and be restored to the society.

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